Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's Electric!

Hello again to the modern world! The weekend was pretty uneventful as far as electricity goes.
We did learn a planning lesson -- only one of five flashlights work, and that one was dim due to low batteries! We ate well, and honestly found it was a nice change to eat in our apartment as a family without the distractions of a big dining hall. We ate two meals each day as a family, and then we had our bigger meal together with the rest of our small group going to West Africa. It was a good time to fellowship. One thing that we had to adjust for was - a person on crutches! No, it wasn't Chris this time - surprisingly enough. Ron was playing basketball on Friday evening and jumped up for a ball. He came down wrong on his foot and broke a bone in his right foot. He didn't go to the emergency room until Saturday morning. He was put in a cast and told to go to the orthopedic dr. on Tuesday. So, today the dr. switched him into a boot instead of a cast and he has to go back 3 weeks from now. It won't delay our departure - praise the Lord.

We also survived our second round of immunizations. This round was more difficult and the side effects were longer. We had yellow fever shots and they made the kids a little sick for a few days. We also had to have a TB test and we start the typhoid immunization tomorrow (it is oral). We have to take that for 4 days. Probably won't stop us from getting typhoid fever, but it usually makes it less severe.

God has really been showing us how much that we rely on ourselves and not on Him or His Word. We have been consistently reading His Word and He is revealing more of His character to us everyday. We have been learning about all of the miracles that are taking place all over the world - God showing Himself in dreams and visions to many peoples of the nations. We are so excited and privileged to be apart of the great movement around the globe.

The kids are learning so much as well - they are making great friends that I believe they will continue to connect with overseas.

This week we are learning Bible Storying. What an awesome way to share God's love. Did you know that only 4-5% of the world's languages have a copy of the Bible for their language? And even if they did - most of them couldn't read it. We are learning that sharing the love of God must be shared orally. That is scary for me, because it means that I have to memorize more things and I feel that my feeble little brain can't handle it. I know that I will truly have to rely on the Lord for that skill. That is one area where I know that I will not be able to do it my own strength, which is so hard for me to admit!

We are half way through the training as of today! We have lots to learn, but we are praying that we are eager learners! We will be sitting under Dr. Tom Elliff this week - what an awesome privilege. Well, that is all for now. Continue to pray for our house and van. We have a family that is interested in the house - we hope to hear something soon. Pray that this is the right family. Thanks for reading our blog and praying for us. Please let us know how we can pray for you!


Nancy said...

Welcome back to the "world" I'm glad you enjoyed it. We may be involuntarily going through it around here if the hurricane hits. Any good tips, other than have plenty of batteries?
Miss you and pray your house sells.
How is the French coming.
Bonsoir mes amis.
Je taime

The Sexton Crew said...

Come on Ron -don't you know "white men can't jump?"


T and T Livesay said...

praying for you === electricity and internet are overrated -- NOT.

love to you all

D&S Smith said...

Hi guys:0) We are so excited about your survival of the power free weekend. I am sure you did well. Did you learn how to make the Mayo yet??? Just joking. We are so proud of your family. Keep being strong through him. Love ya

Joanna Christmas said...

we love the updates! keep them coming! we miss you guys and our sunday school class isn't the same without you!
p.s. when you come back, could you please pack a little african boy in your suitcase for robby and i? thanks!