We have been busy with language learning, language learning and more language. We are learning so much French - our language tutors have been so helpful. The main language tutor Abdoulaye is a teacher for the Peace Corp and he is wonderful. The time flies when he is teaching us! The kids have started home school and are doing great. The curriculum we chose is very reading intensive. We read some chapters in 3 books each night. The books they have chosen are great - The Golden Goblet, Red Sails to Capri, and Island of the Blue Dolphins. The kids hate when we have to stop each night - Ron and I hate to stop too - the stories are so good. While I am doing language training in the morning, Ron works with the kids. When Ron is with Abdoulaye, I work with the kids. It is working out well so far.
We are currently experience the 11th plague :) We have about a million tiny grasshoppers all over our house - inside and out. The ones are the inside aren't as bad, but they are insane outside. We have to sweep everyday anyway, but with these grasshoppers it is even worse!
You know Chris...now that you are an official homeschooler you have to grow your own wheat and grind it and make your own bread and wear a jumper. And your kids must all play the viola. You should dress them matching too :~)
Just so ya know.
Sandy (hsing 9 years :~)
Hi Ron and Family! Greetings from Catonsville, MD. I loved reading the blog - please keep it up. You are on a fabulous adventure!! Let me know if you want some games to play with the kids, I may have something up my sleeve!
Hello Dearest Family,
Looking at the pictures of the "plague", I can't help wondering where moses is when you need him.
As always, BIG HUGS TO ALL.
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