Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hi Mom! I love you!

2008 is a Banner Year! My parents' house has never had a working computer (unless you include a Commodore 64 during my middle/high school years). Since we are moving to Africa, they have finally powered up. Now they have gone from no computer to high-speed internet. My mom even learned how to comment on our blog without any tutoring! Wow - great job, Mom! Here is a picture of Mom along with her sister, my Aunt Sara. (Mom is on the left).

Mom has email now, and knows how to check it. If you know her - or even if you don't, feel free to drop her a line at
Hi Dad! I love you too!


Darcy D. Dane, DC said...

Hey guys!

I have 2.5 seconds to say, "Hi! I Love you and miss you and of course am praying for you!!!"

Off to class with a piece of toast in one hand and a bottle of water in other.

You have been on my mind the last few days. I will send a better email over the weekend.

Darcy D. Dane, DC said...


Love you you. Miss you. Praying for you.

Running late for class..........but had to tell that.

Grace and peace to you from our Lord, Jesus Christ,

Darcy D. Dane, DC said...

Hey guys!

I have 2.5 seconds to say, "Hi! I Love you and miss you and of course am praying for you!!!"

Off to class with a piece of toast in one hand and a bottle of water in other.

You have been on my mind the last few days. I will send a better email over the weekend.