Saturday, June 7, 2008

We made it!

We didn't think it would happen and probably wouldn't have without the help of Teri Gray (thanks a million). We emptied our house of everything we own. It looked great when we left. A cool thing happened - that morning our realtor called and said that we had a showing at 2:30! We panicked slightly - but it all worked out - we rolled out of the house at 2:25! God is good! Here are some pictures of the house after we were finished. Please pray that our house would sell in God's timing - our preference would be soon! We are now in Maryland at Ron's brothers house and will be there until tomorrow and then off to friends - we will try to continue to post as we go! Thanks for praying for us! Drop us a line when you get a chance!


Nancy said...

Wow this thing is for real. You really are leaving us. Miss you already.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, this not blog person, had to check up on you. The kids look like they are having a blast. I love that pic of Faith. Praying for sweet fellowship for yoyu all, Teri