Thursday, June 5, 2008

Clearing out -- at least TRYING to!!

Yikes! Things are getting crazy here. Although we are behind, let me assure you, we are not sitting on the couch watching TV. If we had either a couch or a TV, we might be doing that! We continue to sort and pack, make dump runs, church yard sale runs, and load up things in anyone who will slow their vehicle down enough for us to do so. Who knew we had SO MUCH STUFF?!?!?

The movers came Tuesday and took the things we had set aside for our crate. We kissed those belongings goodbye and hope to see them again in 9-12 months. The guys were great -- here's a shout out to John's Moving and Storage in Raleigh. Would highly recommend them at this point -- let's hope we're still saying that when all is said and done. They did laugh at how little we had to send. Seems they were hoping for a few more hours worth of work on Tuesday.

The tension mounts every once in a while. Did you know that kids ask LOTS of questions while parents are trying to focus and get stuff done? If not, you must not have kids. Our saving grace this week is that we don't really HAVE to be anywhere tomorrow by a certain time. We need to remember that in the future -- to plan in a buffer. It helps mentally to know that.

I have included a couple of pictures of what our life looks like right now. The kids are enjoying the menu for the most part. At this point, if you can find it, you can eat it. We just don't want to bring anything else into the house! That would be counterproductive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow it does look like you guys have ALOT on your hands!
