Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Goodbye's are hard - even though we know this what we are supposed to be doing, it doesn't make it any easier! Ron just finished saying goodbye to his friends at work - 10 years at Wells Fargo. Our trip is going well - we are staying with friends and hanging out with family. We are having fun laughing and being silly. Saturday is our commissioning service at our church - Northwest Baptist church - more goodbye's! Just pray that we don't have any ugly cries!


The Sexton Crew said...

Ron -I don't know how the bank will survive without you. You were the glue, man.

Chris -Don't worry! We will have a private "ugly cry" party where no one judges...unless of course you want to offer prizes for the ugliest ugly cry, then someone will have to judge. But not in a judgy way, in a "here's your ugly cry trophy" way. See the difference.

Yes, I will shut up now.


Sarah Kay said...

I'm going to miss you guys

~ Sarah Lester

Mom/Nana said...

Hey, I finally made it. Should have been here sooner but not REALLY understanding what a blog actually and how it works, I didn't want to appear more of a dinosauer (sp) than I really am.

I will read you often, with great love and prayers for all you do and every adventure you have. You are always on my mind...

Dad said...

Can't wait to see you all at the beach - just a few days away