Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Shocking News!

We are having a great time in Houghton, New York. (Does anyone out there know how to pronounce Houghton?) It's a little chilly in the mornings -- we didn't really pack for southwest NY weather. Since we are going to Africa, it doesn't make much sense to buy sweatshirts. Plus, the Walmart is 30 minutes away. Poor Houghton College kids with no Wally World close.

Now for the news...Chris and I are DIFFERENT!!! Actually, a little more than different -- almost polar opposites. (Would you believe Chris is an extrovert? I told you it was shocking.) Our personality profile and communication style inventory are exhibits A and B. These should be helpful as we embark on working together overseas! We are enjoying learning more practical information on culture, transitions, and common characteristics of kids being raised in a culture other than the one into which they were born (those would be TCKs - or Third Culture Kids).

There is a separate program for our kids to help them prepare for the move as well. They are doing GREAT and have really connected with some of the other kids preparing for similar moves. We are reading a book together called Peanut Butter Friends in a Chop Suey World about a girl who moved to Taiwan as part of a missionary family.

Let us know in the comments how you think Houghton is pronounced. Enjoy the pics.


gary & kimber said...

Hmm. "Huff-ton"? Your kids will enjoy FPO. They do a lot of great things to prepare them for becoming TCKs! :-)

Nancy said...

My daughter's best friend went to college there. As I recall she pronounced it ho-ton college. I'd ask her but she's on her honeymoon right now and would probably not appreciate a call from me to ask her. Is this a contest or can't anyone from the college help you out :) I don't mean a prize kinda contest just a see if we have any smart friends kind of contest.
What's the news on the house?
Miss you and can't wait to see you.

The Sexton Crew said...

Well, if it were in NC it would probably be "Hew'un" 'cause every word can have a "ew" sound and the t is just for looks -no need to prounounce it.


Nancy said...

I don't know why my first response didn't get to you but my daughter's friend went and as I recall it is pronounced Ho-ton with a long o and a soft ton not as in a ton of bricks but more like en barely saying the t. Does that make sense? Now is this for a contest? Not like a prize kind of contest but to see how smart your friends are kind of contest. Because if it's not why don't you ask the people who work there or go there how it's spelled. :)
Love you guys