Tuesday, October 13, 2009

School Stuff

Here is a picture of Faith at the snack bar - this is a cool picture because she was okay ordering in French and getting exactly what she wanted. Pretty cool to see her branch out! Zach is on the intermediate soccer team. He is having fun! Here he is at the latest match against the other American school in Dakar.
This past week was spirit week and on Sunday, they did a Junior vs. Senior girls soccer game. Our boys got in on the action and routed for the Junior girls. They are with some of our juniors.

Faith routed for both!

School continues. We are halfway through this first semester with only 9 weeks until our Christmas break. Time is flying by. We have settled into a routine and are continuing to progress with our comfort in our job and improving with our language. Some days are better than others, but overall there are general improvements.
Pray for Ron as he has been dealing with kidney stones again. He will hopefully be able to pass them soon, for he is miserable! Love and miss you!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm so impressed with your family and especially Faith in that photo ordering by herself in French! :-) In August, I got engaged and we're considering the possibility of returning to Uganda as missionaries. Every once in a while, Eric will say, "We'll need to be sure to have screens in the windows... Sometimes houses in Africa don't have them..." :-) It's good to hear your stories.

With prayers,
Heather/"Cammie" from FaithBaptist a couple years ago