Saturday, October 31, 2009

Family Visit

Here are some pictures from the time that my Mom and Sister came to visit.  They had a good time, despite the heat.  We showed them the sights, gave them African names (Aiwa and Daba). They bartered, walked and generally experienced Africa.  My Mom struggled with the "throng of humanity" - just the fact that there are so many people on the roads/streets all of the time.  Any time you are on the street, there are people walking about.  When they arrived, we headed off for some fun to the resort area Saly.  We stayed at a nice hotel and just relaxed, swam and ate fancy French food.  They experienced the French with their itty bitty bathing suits - both guys and girls!  We went to Bandia game park and saw a few animals.  The park had lots of grass so a lot of the animals were hidden.  But we got up close and personal with the rhino and giraffe.  We actually got out of the truck and walked near them.  They experienced some time at the school as well - they ate with the guys in the dorm, went to Faith's class, watched Zach's soccer game and watched him practice his trumpet at band practice.  All in all, I think they had a great visit.  We will miss them very much!

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