Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Heat and more heat

I officially apologize for not posting for so long. It was shared with me that people were officially over the last post! So, here is what is going on - the heat. It has been hot and humid most of the time, with lots of rain. The streets are muddy and alot of flooding in the smaller neighborhoods. The amount of rain has drastically affected the roads - there are HUGE pot holes (sinkholes) in the roads. It makes for interesting driving. Especially when they fill up with water, and nobody wants to drive through any water, so they drive all over the road, sidewalks, etc to avoid water. Some of the holes are dangerous, but most are harmless puddles and their amazing avoidance of all liquids are funny. Especially when the taxis are held together by duct tape and an amazing welder!

Our days are filled with planning, organizing and shopping for the dorm. We are settling in and hope to start back with our language study. We will be starting a French class that will be held at the school for staff. We are excited about that. It is important to be able to speak both French and Wolof and I have been mostly using my French when dealing with the National workers. Right now their wolof is too fast for me to understand, so much of the time they will say it in wolof and then I ask them to repeat it in French. But I know more today than I did when I started, so that is progress. We hope to continue to learn enough to be able to share Bible stories with those that we meet when we are out and about during the day.

That is all for now - much of our life is the day to day stuff of living in Africa - I will try to look for the humorous things and capture those. Here is a funny tidbit: while playing handball Saturday night, a rat (big like a cat rat) crawled onto the court and caused everyone to panic. They were encouraging it to go out one of the rain holes, with no luck. So one of the kids killed it with the handball... You don't see that everyday!

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