Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The week has overall been good - we are adjusting to our new addition of 15 high school boys. They seem to be getting used to us and we are getting used to and really enjoying them. Our biggest challenge and stressor is our dealings with our national workers. Our inability to communicate well - continues to stretch and challenge us. We are still trying to settle in a routine, but we are confident it will come in time.

On a different note, every Tuesday we have a day off. Today we went scuba diving with our supervisor Cal. It was an amazing opportunity to see God's creation up close and personal. Once we got balanced out and breathing, we were able to explore a ship wreck. There were so many cool fish and shells.

Our kids are doing well. They really like their teachers and are doing well in their classes so far. Life is always bustling at the school, and it usually never lacks for activities. We (Ron, Chris, Zach and Luke) are going to be playing handball (think ultimate frisbee with a small dodgeball) and Faith is going to try jr. basketball. She is not convinced of her ability or desire to play, but she is willing to give it a try. Faith loves having all of these big brothers.

Thanks to Northwest Baptist Church and the Kapus family for our recent care package! We love hearing from you and all of our goodies. Thanks for all of your love and support of our family.

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