Saturday, January 31, 2009

Quiet week

It has been a quiet week with Ron being gone in South Africa. He was supposed to blog from there, but has been having internet issues. So I will put in a blurb for him. Our mission wanted us Ron to go for further treatment in Johannesburg, South Africa. Why South Africa? They are on the cutting edge of medicine, even surpassing that of the U.S. So, Monday off he went. He has gone to several doctors, CT scans and all of that will be reported Monday. He will hopefully post all of the details. But he has said it is beautiful and you can buy lots of stuff that they don't have here - so he has been busy shopping in between appointments!

So here I have been busy with language, kids in school and learning my way around town. I have been going to language classes by myself, so that is 2 hours of me and wolof. I have learned a lot and am praying that it sticks in my brain. I find that in class with the teacher I remember what I am to say and then at night with our guard - my mind goes completely blank. It is very frustrating. They have a wolof saying that you need to go slow, slow so you can catch a monkey in the bush - so I am learning that - it makes the wolof laugh when I say it. I am impatient I want to conquer wolof - now! I need to remember I have to take it one step at a time.

All week the guard has been wanting to do attaya (tea) with the boys. I told him that I didn't want them to not be able to sleep during a school night - so they did it last night. Attaya, or gunpowder tea is strong, sweet tea served in tiny glassfuls in a 3 round ritual. Water is boiled on a little gas stove with a small packet of tea leaves and a full cup of sugar, each round with added sugar to symbolize the growing sweetness of friendship. The first bitter round is for life, the second for friendship and the third is the sweetest, for love. The tea is poured impossibly high from cup to cup, up to a two foot arc without spilling a drop. This creates delicious foam. Sometimes they add mint and eucalyptus to the second and third rounds making it even more delicious.

The guard loves our kids and loves teaching them wolof. Last night he invited them to his village to meet his wife and family and share a meal. They are really looking forward to that. He stays here in town during the week and then on Saturday he goes and sees his wife. She is pregnant with their first child. Pray for him, he is a very devout Muslim. Pray that we can get enough language to be able to share Jesus with him.

Here are some pictures of last night:

Thanks for your prayers - continue to pray for wisdom and clarity for the doctors with Ron. We are hoping and praying that he can come home Wednesday.

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