Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

We want to wish our family and friends a very Merry Christmas. This is our first Christmas away from you and although we know this is where God has us for now, we want you to know that we are missing you terribly. We are trying to focus on the reason for the season and not focus on the things that we are missing. We want to leave you with a song that has meant a lot to us this holiday season. Some of the images on the video are a little cheesy - but just listen to the words - they share our heart with you. We hope you can feel our love across the miles - Merry Christmas.


From the Hartman Family... said...

We love and miss you guys! Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas!
The Hartman's

lisaqshay said...

May God grant you all peace from above as you celebrate without all your friends and family. He has His hand on you there and will be faithful to you. love and Merry Christmas!
Lisa & Co.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Family,

There are not words enough to tell you how much I miss you.

Please give Zach, Luke and Faith a big kiss and tell them it is special delivery from Nana.

May God bless you and keep yopu safe from harm.

You are always in my heart and in my prayers.
