Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fast Food Anyone?

Here is a ceeb (rice and sauce) restaurant. They are all around - you must bring your own container and you order per person. Here is our former team mate Patty waiting for our rice.

Here is our favorite "fast food" restaurant - not your McD's, Burger King or Hardees, but delicious nonetheless. We order a "meat" sandwich and it costs around $2. It is mutton with onions, spicy mustard, spices on a baguette. This is him preparing the sheep - they use everything. Not sure who eats the rest of it, but we do enjoy the meat part - not the organs, intestines, head or other choice parts!


The Sexton Crew said...

yummm. It's almost lunch time here. Not thinking I'll throw a slab of raw animal on the counter but who knows? Love and miss you!

Michelle~Morrisons on the Move said...

yep that doesn't look like our fast food however it does appear your meat is real unlike our fast food artificial meat.