Sunday, May 24, 2009

Life goes on

It has been a while since we have posted. We have settled into a routine here in Senegal. We continue to have 3 days of language and the kids continue to really enjoy school. With our crate arriving, we have had a few additional forms of entertainment. We dug out the Wii and have enjoyed playing with that! For the most part we left all of the boxes taped up, but definitely wanted to dig out the Wii! The kids love school and are very anxious to get on campus. There is always something going on at the school and they can't wait to be in the mix!

To catch up: Zach played the trumpet again and once again did very well. He continues to enjoy baseball and playing soccer. He has struggled a little bit with the social aspect and having to deal with a bully. He has made some good friends, but unfortunately his closest friend is going on furlough next year. Thus the life of a missionary kid! Luke likes baseball and has enjoyed being involved with floor hockey too! He loves playing in the woods at school, building forts and creating clubs. Not real crazy about schoolwork, but loves the atmosphere at school. Faith loves everything about DA - her teacher, friends, play ground!

Ron and I are still working on language. It still continues to be a struggle. We understand so much while in the class room and then walk out and depending on who is talking - don't understand a word! It is very frustrating. But we continue to progress and learn more vocabulary and can carry on conversations. Our house helper continues to encourage - they other day I was talking with her in French and she looked at me and said - say it again but in Wolof this time. I am thankful for that! It is much easier at times for me to think in French, so I quickly go to that instead of plugging along in the Wolof.

Life continues to be fun here - seeing funny new things each time we head out of our doors! We haven't taken many pictures while driving, but it is interesting what you see while driving. We can do all of our Christmas shopping inside of our car. There are people selling everything imaginable and some not so imaginable things on the road. So far while in our car stopped in traffic we have bought - sun glasses, drinking glasses, a knife, fruit, nuts, cookies, grater, eggs, water, gum, phone cards, and a watch. So far we have turned down - mirrors, clocks, bras, underwear, undershirts, kleenex (personal or full box), toys, posters of various marabouts (Muslim leaders), rugs, hangers, muslim books, muslim beads, french DVDs, books, stickers, remote controls, every cell phone gadget, ball/strike counters, steering wheel covers, flares, cans of fix a flat, key chains, string art, magnifying glasses, razors, hair clipper sets, water boilers, skillet, tupperware, plates, table cloths, clothes pins, and the list will I am sure continue to grow. It is like Walmart each time we get on the road.

The kids only have around 7 days of school left - then we are off to the Gambia for training. We will hopefully put some pictures on soon. Pray for the kids finishing up school and pray for the Seniors as they complete their finals and prepare to head off to colleges.

1 comment:

Tim and Susan said...

Hi, found you via Coffee Girl blog. I am sure you wil be a blessing as dorm parents...our oldest went to "boarding school" for 3 years in middle school, so thinking of kids boarding and the dorm parents who bless them have a special place in our heart. (We are missionaries in Japan.)