Saturday, November 15, 2008

Prayer Request

Ron is going on his first trip to a village! He will leave Monday morning and return sometime Tuesday afternoon/evening. Pray that he will have an amazing time, as well for safety. He may have a time to do some storying and prayer for the village believers. Pray for him emotionally - all that have been to a village say it is very hard to see children near death. Pray for the kids and I while we are alone. Look forward to some pictures.

Overall - things have been relatively quiet. We have been busy learning language and just living here in West Africa. We have seen so many crazy, interesting things - unfortunately since we don't have our camera with us 24/7 - many things don't get recorded. We have seen about 20 or so goats strapped to the top of a bus - a goat being carried on a motorcycle -people carrying TV's on motos. Goats are pretty much like dogs around here. While driving through the neighborhoods, you have to dodge goats, small children, dogs, carts, bikes, motos, naked children, and people.

It is fun to see kids get bathed here - the moms take them into the street and scrub them down, head to toe - these dark black children are completely white! It is a sight to see!

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